

Stratos 50 | Stratos 65 | Stratos 80 | Stratos 100

Length/Height and width (inches)

Above ground pools

15’ 18’ -> 40/24/14
21′ -> 40/28/19
24′ -> 40/28/19
27′ -> 40/28/19

ground pools

10’ X 20’ | 12’ X 24’ -> 40/24/14
12’ X 24’ -> 40/28/19
14’ X 28’ | 15’ X 30’ | 16′ X 32′ -> 40/28/19
16’ X 30’ | 16’ X 32’ | 18’ X 36’ -> 40/28/19


Capacity BTU/H

50 000, 65 000, 80 000 ,100 000

Energy saver

Modern technologies now use calibrated injection systems. Each model The performance is maximized because of the millimetric precision with all the other components. Conventional systems still use fragile valves with moving parts that are not calibrated to work at low temperatures. The calibrated flow rater is not affected by varying temperatures.

State of the art technology

All the pool heat pumps are equipped with unique patented features that increase the efficiency and reduce the electrical consumption, and this, even at low outdoor temperatures due to the calibrated injection system.

Filtration volume (10GPM-80GPM)

The compressors used by Turcotte are of Japanese technology. These compressors, rotary and scroll, are very silent and do not require compressor blankets in order to reduce noise and vibration.

Other information

Increased power and affordable purchase, Stratos is versatile and suitable for many sizes of above-ground and in-ground pools. Robust and silent, it benefits from an excellent guarantee. The Stratos will work with any type of circulation pump and any type of water sanitation system. Designed and manufactured in Quebec, Canada.


Stratos 50
Stratos 65
Stratos 80
Stratos 100

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